AR / VR Development

Mobilefunk specializes in creating immersive virtual reality and augmented reality games for the web. Leveraging the latest technologies in WebXR, and advanced frameworks, we design interactive experiences. materials.

Idverde VR escape room

Balance surfer is an online game where you can train you balance skills with a balance board. You control the game with your body on a balance board and use a webcam. The training is great for surfers, skateboarders or other sport players to get better balance skills.

Balance surfer

Balance surfer is an online game where you can train you balance skills with a balance board. You control the game with your body on a balance board and use a webcam. The training is great for surfers, skateboarders or other sport players to get better balance skills.

Visit Balance Surfer

VR Demo mobilefunk

A simple demo showing the posibilites in VR.

Visit VR Demo